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So, over the subsequent four days, the discussion that was happening between the LKP, on the one hand, and the bosses, politicians and state officers, on the opposite, happened under the usually bewildered eyes of the whole island population. As a result, individuals were in a position to see for themselves the inconsistent angle of the politicians, the deviousness of the préfet, the whining of the bosses, who claimed they had been in such great difficulties that they might not meet the employees' demands. Of course, the same bosses had nothing to say when the LKP representatives called their bluff by revealing the massive quantity of subsidies that they obtained from the state. In the morning of that day, a 20,000-robust demonstration marched within the streets of Pointe-à-Pitre. Then hundreds of demonstrators adopted the LKP delegation to the meeting place.
In the second 12 months, the bosses would have to pay a hundred euros, and by the end of the fourth 12 months, the bosses must pay the whole 200 euros. But as the LKP delegation arrived for the signature of this draft settlement, a cellphone call came saying that minister Jego was on a airplane heading for Paris. He had been disowned by his own government, which claimed that the federal government had "no energy" to intervene in negotiations between bosses and employees. So the draft agreement was out and the population was livid! The general feeling was that the wealthy "békés" had asked the federal government in Paris to torpedo the settlement - which was quite attainable given the same old strategies of those "békés" and their connections with French ruling circles.
Initially a giant contingent of police had been positioned to stop the demonstrators from getting too near the building during which the assembly was meant to happen. The [[ relationship]] of forces was such that the préfet quickly gave in.
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On the main roads, the building of highway blocks was organised by activists, from the unions and political groups. They had been joined by folks from all sections of the inhabitants, particularly younger folks, each to do the construction work and to man them, [[ rci martinique radio]] together with so as to defend them against the police.
The paper is accomplished by drawings and photographs.– A new species of Trichoceble from southern Greece .In this paper‚ the knowledge of Longitarsus springeri‚ identified till now from Abruzzo‚ Molise‚ and Lazio‚ is improved.– Distributional and taxonomic notes on Longitarsus springeri Leonardi‚ 1975‚ with point out of an unpublished chromatic form of the Sibillini Mountains (Coleoptera‚ Chrysomelidae).
This demonstrated but again the extent of the [[ strike's reputation]] across the island, together with in the countryside. Starting on February seventh, they went on repeatedly for 22 hours. Eventually, a draft agreement was due to finalised in the afternoon of February eighth.
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They known as on demonstrators to build highway blocks along the main roads. All over the nation, together with on many small roads, individuals constructed street blocks, which they manned very consistently and critically.
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